Summer & Zoo 2025 – Support Materials

Wurundjeri season: Biderap (Dry)   –   26th January to 16th February

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Download PDF – Song sheet, Summer & Zoo                                                               Download PDF – Xlyophone reading – Hello , how are you?

HELLO SONG  – These songs are short and warm up the body & mind                   CORE TOPIC SONG – Teach the lyrics in this song: ‘repeat after me’

Good Morning Little Yellow Bird                                                                                           Hello, how are you? I am very well

TOPIC SONGS – These songs highlight all the elements of music                               

Going to the Zoo (Peter, Paul and Mary)                                                                           Zousan (Elephant in Japanese)

ELEMENTS SONGS – Focus on one Element of Music                                               EXPRESSION – Get the kids to move & express themselves in their own way
Echo sing  – Luna New Year – Silky Snake                                                                         Pitch – Waves go up, waves go down

LULLABIES – Rest and Relax
Summertime (Porgy and Bess musical – Gershwin)                                                   Maranoa Lullaby (Maranoa SW QLD)

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