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School Music Programs

Music is a skill for life; learning music has been proven to be
incredibly beneficial for all learning and development. Give children
at your school a fantastic music experience and help to foster a
love of music while they get to have fun!

In Person activities:


    Online + In Person activities:



Playing music with kids

Interactive Performances

Have Musical Minds perform at your school!

Whole – school percussion, vocal and band performances by leading musicians, with every
student encouraged to be an active participant no matter their age.

Let’s Sing: call and answer songs children can sing with the band
Let’s Play: body percussion and drumming children play in the band
Let’s Move: echoed dance moves children learn to move with the music
Let’s Improvise: use their creativity to express themselves

New and exciting performance topics to choose from:

  • Going to the beach!
  • Ed and Brenda’s Big Adventure (Adapted from a book from a local Melbourne author Emma Carey)
  • Wombat Chat
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (Treehouse song)

Join in the performance! Be one of the band! Let’s learn to sing together, move together and create a range of super fun beats using body percussion and vocal sounds!



Interactive workshops in your school

 We use a range of percussion instruments, songs, dances and song writing tailored to the
age and size of your group. Develop team building skills that last a life time and encourage
your class to work together.

In a smaller group workshop our expert music teachers teach the children how to play music
as a group. In a 45-minute workshop your class will be singing, playing and moving together.

Through active participation, encouragement, and excitement the class develop their team
skills and understanding of the Elements of Music. We bring a range of percussion
instruments, both traditional and recycled for all of the children to experience.

  • Year Group and Class workshops
  • Students are active participants in every workshop
  • 25-30 students in each group/class
  • 1 teacher to 30 students
  • Percussion instruments: bucket drumming, shakers, smaller percussion instruments.
  • Learn to sing and play as a group. Use movement to learn the rhythms, beats and
    melodies of the song
  • Different fun topics to choose from!

Xylophone Program

Ongoing instrumental lessons, kids learn to play xylophone  through our in person or online program

In-Person Program: Have our Musical Minds team visit you! Book us for a music incursion for your class and have our team teach your class music on a weekly or fortnightly basis. We can even lead your next class performance.
Booked by the term:
3 songs per term
1 Assembly performance piece/arrangement per term
Live interaction with Musical Minds teacher – which part of the module
This program is designed to be used 20 – 30 minutes, one to two times per week

Online Program: Each module is taught by an expert Music teacher and supports the student through PDF music reading resources (graphic & traditional music notation). We offer discounted in-person incursions for our school xylophone subscribers!

How to use the videos in your classroom? 

  • Morning music session with the whole class actives our brain for learning
  • iPad and headphones: student lead 1:1 learning

All programs are written in line with Victoria & National Music Curriculum. 


Teacher Training

Learn how to integrate music into your everyday classroom lessons

Our expert music teachers guide you through a step-by-step classroom music program,
featuring lesson plans, xylophone program, assembly performance song ideas, and link to
the curriculum through downloadable PDF resources and videos.

Online option: Professional development for teachers through online video modules on
how to teach the xylophone, classroom percussion and songs. Live online PD options available upon request

In-person – We come to your school – 1/2 day intensive music professional development for
your staff. Whole school or by teacher year levels. All resources provided – PDF printable – A Xylophone class set is included

In-person @ Musical Minds studio (school holidays only): Professional development in Melbourne at the Musical Minds Studio – All resources provided.

Additional Xylophone class sets are available to purchase for all programs.

Xylophone Program example:

  • Use the videos with your class to learn how to play the xylophone
  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Music in the classroom
  • Progressive lessons
  • KLA lesson plans
  • Performance ideas for school assemblies and events
  • KLA – Music Curriculum standards
  • Musical games with actions, call and response, and instrument play

Why Learn the Xylophone?

The notes are visual, and the required motor skills to play the xylophone can be learned from a young age. The notes reflect the piano, and the melodies and harmonies establish a solid foundation in the skills needed to progress on the individual instrument of your choice. Plus, the xylophone is easily obtainable, accessible, and it’s fun to play in a group.

Not sure where to start? Get in touch & we are happy to guide you through the available options

Get Started Today By Reaching Out and Talking to Tanya!